Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why can't our teeth grow back like our finger nails?

It's a slow day plus I'm curious to see what you people know.

For your trouble, you get 2 to 12 points.Why can't our teeth grow back like our finger nails?
Teeth are made up of different material then nails. You can't compare them, they are both specialized tissues with separate functions. Finger nails are abraded much quicker then teeth and so there is the need to replace them. Two sets of teeth is all we need in our life. Or at least WAS all we needed back when evolution was actively taking place.

Hmm here are some observations regarding the previous posts:

1) ';Teeth are like bones';. True but not entirely. You see, if you fracture your bone, it will heal. Teeth on the other hand do not heal themselves. Never heard, nor read, in any dental textbook about a vertical tooth fracture healing spontaneously. N.B. dentine DOES have some reparative functions but they are limited to formation of secondary or sclerotic layer. Not regeneration.

2) ';Only parts can be restored, like the enamel';. By itself? No. Once there is a cavity in enamel then no matter what happens the body will not refill it. True that saliva continues to deposit calcium into enamel but that's not the same as healing.

3) ';Nails are made from keratin (protein) which grows constantly until death';. Actually finger nails and hair continue to grow for a limited period even after death. Go figure ;)

Dr. SamiWhy can't our teeth grow back like our finger nails?
Teeth are not bones (or fingernails), but LIKE bones, they grow to a certain size and stop. Beaver's teeth, however, keep growing and are just worn down by gnawing on trees/bark... but we're not beavers. Teeth, unlike bones, can not regenerate themselves. That's why we have to take better care of them. You can't just put a splint or cast on them and expect them to heal themselves.
besides the fact that fingernails are made of a different material along time ago humans usually only lived until about maybe 40 years old and humans today live longer and usually lose their teeth past that age so evolution figured we would only need teeth until about 40 so why use limited space to make uneccesary teeth
Teeth are made from bone and cannot be regenerated.

Nails are made from keratin (protein) which grows constantly until death.

Your hair is also made from keratin.
Your teeth are bones that aren't replaced; They are embedded in your jaw until they appear. Only parts can be restored, like the enamel. But the whole tooth can't.

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