Friday, February 5, 2010

How long does it take to grow finger nails?

how long does it take for finger nails to growHow long does it take to grow finger nails?
NOT long enough, I am forever cutting mine.How long does it take to grow finger nails?
fingernails grow at 1mm per 4-5 days

toenails grow at 1mm per 6-7 days
it changes from person to person...

if ur w8in why nt enhance their length by gettin a french manicure?!:)
They are growing all the time. If you would like them to grow faster, eat gelatin.
keep them manicured, painted and clean and in a couple of weeks you'll notice some pushing up. I have no trouble; but to get my hair to grow is another story.
Well....that would depend on how long you would want them to be. If you want them long I'd say about a month. It really depends on the person.
it depends how long you want them, if you break them, and overall how you take care of them. but it could take over months.
It depends how much milk you drink and the amount of calcium you eat etc. Usually about 1mm for about 4 days.
since I started taking vitamins, mine grow super fast, and are much stronger. I'd recommend it.
Not long; but they have to be grown in heavily fertilized soil and watered often.

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